Plan B: How to challenge bad developments in court
A guide for the public who are concerned about development and planning permissions.
A guide for the public who are concerned about development and planning permissions.
Exploring the options for reversing the declining number of dairy farms.
CPRE examines concerns around animal welfare standards in the pig and poultry sector.
CPRE’s Vision for the future of farming looks at the issues surrounding the horticulture sector.
CPRE’s analysis of the challenges facing arable farming, and our suggestions for a sustainable future for the sector.
Findings and recommendations from a five-year national project, ‘Mapping Local Food Webs’.
CPRE’s view of the draft National Planning Policy Framework.
Eight simple steps to take if you want to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan and involve the whole community.
Farming plays a critical role in our 2026 Vision for the Countryside.
This guide will help you to get involved in the development of your Local Plan.
This guide tells you how to find out more about a planning application and — if necessary — how you can take action.
This report examines the impacts of introducing a deposit refund system on jobs involved in the collection and processing of containers.
This report details the research into tranquillity mapping carried out during 2006 by Northumbria University, commissioned by CPRE.
Our guide to Litter Abatement Orders explains how any member of the public fed up with a litter hot spot can take action to get the area cleaned up.
This guide gives an overview of community based renewable energy options for rural community groups, local councils and individuals.
A summary of our research for a drinks container deposit scheme.
This report calls for the current Hedgerow Regulations to be improved.
A brochure on the need for affordable housing in rural communities.