How we helped to end fracking
The government has ditched fracking, and we’re taking time to celebrate and reflect on what made this campaign such a success.
We haven’t stopped celebrating the government’s decision to ditch fracking. As campaigners, we know victories like this don’t come around all too often. It really is a huge win, and one that everyone should be proud of.
In light of such a great outcome, we have been reflecting back on the campaign over the past 18 months and compiled our top 5 reasons as to why we won.
1. Joining a winning campaign
We would not be where we are today without the thousands of incredible people who spent a decade campaigning against fracking at the grassroots level. Wherever fracking was proposed, local people stood up and said no. In the end people power prevailed, and CPRE were incredibly proud to stand with them in celebration at the end!
2. Bulletproof policy
As always at CPRE, our policy position (calling for a moratorium on fracking and for the fast-track fracking proposals to be dropped) was principled and evidence-based. This meant we were able to refute all the bogus claims levied at us from the pro-fracking lobby.
3. Key messages
We had clear and simple messaging that focused on how the fast-track fracking proposals would undermine the planning system and remove local democracy. These messages resonated with the public and cut through, making their way into parliamentary debates, newspaper headlines, and all over social media.
4. Working with others
As mentioned above, this victory was shared by a whole host of different people and groups. We worked closely with other NGOs in the environmental sector, each of us bringing different strengths to the table to form a coordinated and collaborative approach to the campaign. This helped to demonstrate the widespread opposition to the government’s proposals to fast-track fracking, and
5. You!
Since we launched our ‘Don’t fast-track fracking’ campaign in May 2018, thousands of you have been involved! Whether through signing our petition, writing to your councillors or MPs or making a donation – all these individual actions added up to one incredible, winning campaign.
What next?
We’ve been delighted to be part of our success – but we won’t stop here. Want to stand with the countryside alongside us, and to help us secure future campaign successes? Join us as a member, sign up to our newsletter below for our latest news or find out how to fundraise for us. We can’t wait to welcome you into the movement!