Lighting the way: international policies for making rooftop solar a reality
In 2023, CPRE published research by members of the UCL Energy Institute, which found that there is potential for up to 117 gigawatts (GW) of low carbon electricity to be generated from rooftops and other developed spaces across England. This is substantially more than the government’s target for 70 GW of solar energy by 2035.
To explore how this enormous opportunity can be realised at speed, CPRE commissioned WPI Economics to analyse approaches being taken internationally to deliver rapid growth in rooftop solar capacity. The findings of this research show that other major economies are pursuing a range of innovative policies to accelerate the deployment of rooftop solar and a bold and ambitious government here could turbocharge our installation rates by adapting these policies to a UK context. You can download and read the full report on this page.
Lighting the way: international policies for making the rooftop solar revolution a reality
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