National Planning Policy Framework consultation response (March 2023)
This consultation response in relation to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) reflects the input of our network of local groups, who have had long experience of campaigning on and working with local planning policies and decisions in their respective areas.
CPRE has campaigned for a strong, effective and transparent planning system for nearly 100 years. When it was first introduced over a decade ago, the NPPF set out to streamline the English planning system and introduce a “presumption in favour of sustainable development”. Taking the NPPF at its word on the issues it aims to address, there are some aims for which we have long campaigned for and would warmly welcome positive change. For example, from CPRE’s perspective, a critical outcome is to achieve sustainable land use and minimise the unnecessary loss of greenfield land to build development, whilst improving the provision of genuinely affordable homes to create thriving rural communities.
NPPF consultation response (March 2023)
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